Friday, November 6, 2009

What Happens When...

...your legs don't go as fast as your upper body?

...your husband picks up a new welding hobby?

...there's a blustery snowstorm in October?

Just a few pictures I thought I'd share. The fence is a work in progress - I'll post another picture when it's finished. And Andrew's nose looks even worse now - it's a big bruise and a scrape. Too bad he missed Halloween by a week - he could have been Andrew the Red Nosed Reindeer. Ha ha ha - it's always good to get a laugh at your kid's expense! :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Costumes? Who needs 'em?

So I spent this Halloween season trying to rejoice in my kids' imaginations. I kept asking them what they wanted to be for Halloween, and the answer would change fairly frequently. So I just waited until the last minute. Here they are all dressed up:

It's completely obvious who they are, isn't it? Andrew is Indiana Jones. Clearly. He has the hat and a piece of rope as his whip. Spent hours on that costume. And Enoch? Have you guessed it yet? If not, you must not be a 5-year-old obsessed with all things Indiana Jones. Obviously he is Short Round, because he has a baseball cap on.

So this is how they went trick-or-treating. I admit, I was a little embarrassed to go out with them, so I sent Victor with them. I could imagine what all the neighbors were thinking... "What greedy children! They didn't even dress up! They just want candy! What kind of mother would allow that behavior?"

Sigh. So I rejoice that they have good imaginations, that they aren't begging for expensive store-bought costumes, and that they really AREN'T greedy - they didn't even go up the whole street, just a small part of it. Victor asked them to go longer and get some more candy, but Enoch's response was simple, and quite accurate: "No Dad, we have enough!"

The First Field Trip

Earlier in October, Enoch got to go on his first field trip to a pumpkin patch. He was REALLY excited, and Victor agreed to go as a helper. He got some good pictures of Enoch and his class having a good time.
Here they are as they arrive at the pumpkin patch.
In the big tractor tire.

The pumpkin he picked out himself.

Victor had only a small allergic reaction to all the hay - those allergy shots are really working! And Enoch is excited for his next field trip in a couple weeks!