Friday, February 20, 2009

Cookie Monsters!

So I've been wondering who in the world started the idea that making cut-out sugar cookies with your kids is fun. For Valentine's day, I decided I'd put the heart-shaped cookie cutters I have to good use. So the boys and I made up some dough, which was easy enough. My kids know that whenever the KitchenAid turns on, it's a good thing! They help me make treats often enough that that part was easy. Then the chilling... easy. So we get to the rolling out part. Now maybe I just don't have enough patience or something, or maybe my kids are a little young, but this was an exercise in frustration! They each wanted to roll, and we'd get maybe one successful cookie cut out each time. Meanwhile, my dough is getting stiffer and stiffer with flour...

So I break down, get out the playdough machine, and let them roll and cut playdough to their hearts' content while I get serious with the cookies. Baking accomplished! Now it's on to the decorating...

I mixed up a few colors of frosting and got out a few sprinkles. Pretty soon, Andrew had frosting smeared everywhere and there were sprinkles all over the table! This is even with Victor's help - one on one, and we still struggled! Again, we gave up doing it as a family, let the boys eat a few cookies, then sent them off to play while V and I finished up the decorating.

So, not as fun as I had hoped, but it was educational, I suppose! Now I know why I don't do cut-outs on my Christmas cookies plates... :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The NEW Dynamic Duo!

Forget Batman and Robin... we have new superheroes flying around our house! Here they are....

Batman and Superjump! I don't know where they came up with those! I don't think Enoch has ever seen Batman anything, but he likes to run around in his underwear with a blanket cape, so he has fun. And Superjump probably originated from jumping off the couch (which they are NOT supposed to do!) or something. I just think it's hilarious. And it keeps them playing nicely together for quite a while!