I mentioned before I was really behind... here's proof. Back in June, Andrew turned 4. Here are a few pics of the celebration. Unfortunately, there was a flu bug going around, and Andrew and I were both sick on his birthday. Andrew was much better about it - he didn't let a little thing like throwing up keep him from enjoying his birthday! :) Thanks to Victor's herculean efforts, the day was a success!
He wanted a ladybug cake, so here's the grand result. Of course, we didn't have any of the strong food coloring paste, so it's a pink ladybug. Oh well, Andrew liked it, and that's what matters, right? I think Victor did a good job!
And of course, you have to have party games! Enoch was in charge of this - it's "pin-the-spot-on-the-ladybug."
Posing with a couple of his presents. Andrew really wanted a propellor cap and a "hoppity-ball."
And the big present: his new bike, complete with helmet and everything! Look at him go! Happy birthday!
Who knew Victor had such mad cake decorating skillz!? And yay for propeller caps!! Happy Birthday Andrew, from all of us here--just a little bit late--sorry, man.