Okay, so have I kept you in suspense long enough? I know, I know. It's terrible how lazy I am... So here's the story. We were all set to go camping that weekend. The weather looked iffy, but we had Plan A, a back-up Plan B, and even a Plan C. We were set! We were going to a place outside of Socorro, and we were going with my brother-in-law and his family, so the kids could enjoy some time with their cousins. We made sure Enoch knew NOT to ride the bus home - we were going to pick him up from school and head out. No sweat.
Well, Friday afternoon rolls around and we get a call from our relatives - they had strep throat, so they weren't going to make it. There goes Plan A. And since Plan B was staying at their house if the weather was bad, there went Plan B as well. Plan C was to camp somewhere closer to home, so we could pack up and come home if we needed to, and not feel like we had driven forever. So we decided to head out that way. About an hour before we were going to pick up Enoch, here's what we saw:

A nice thunderstorm headed just the way we were going! Figures! So after a bit of deliberation, we decided to bag the whole thing. We didn't want to disappoint the kiddos, however, so we compromised. We tried to set up our big tent in the family room, but it was just too big. We then pulled out the little tent we haven't used in a while and let the boys sleep down there. It was a good idea - the boys had fun, and I got to sleep in my own bed! Plus, when the baby woke up at night I didn't have to get out of a warm sleeping bag and get her!

The boys even made name tags for each of their cousins and aunt and uncle (who they also refer to as cousins) and had a stuffed animal proxy for each relative. It was pretty cute!

So we enjoyed an "electronics-free" evening - no TV, computer, video games or anything. The boys read books by flashlight and played until bedtime, and had fun sleeping in their sleeping bags. I was amazed at how quickly and easily they settled down. I had feared they would be up half the night, but it worked out fine.

Yeah, it was a little more work than just putting them to bed, but this is the stuff memories are made of, right? And this way, we averted all tears and tantrums! And best of all, we got to eat Smores...even if they were cooked in the microwave!