Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fathers and Sons

So here are some pix of the boys at the Fathers and Sons campout. They had a great time, and I enjoyed some (relative) peace and quiet. It's not just me at home by myself anymore! But we girls had fun without the noisy boys at home!

Setting up the campsite...

Out for a hike with Dad.

At the fireside...

After a good night's sleep. Well, that's debatable! And I love the fashion-forward hat Enoch is sporting.... On top of the hood! It'll be all the rage pretty soon.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Prep Work

Two posts in one day! Wow. Just thought I'd document our little trip to the mountains a few days before Lynn was born. The idea Victor had was to use his 4x4 truck to get some contractions going... An old wives tale, you say? Read on...

So we drove up to the Manzano mountains and on some pretty rough terrain. I'm sure that is not how Mother Nature intended labor to begin! But the boys thought it was great (all 3 of them!) and after a quick hike (and a potty break for me), I had a good time, too.

So that was on Sunday afternoon, and I went to the hospital on Tuesday. Was this prep work? Or coincidence? You make the call!

Here She Is!!

So I guess it's about time I put some pictures of Lynn on here... Isn't she a cutie? Her first cry!

The boys had fun coming to visit Mom in the hospital. I had my own room, so at least they didn't disturb anyone else. Being quiet isn't one of their strong suits. But they are very cute with Lynn.

And here is the most recent family photo. For the record, we had just arrived home from the hospital, so ignore how I look. We'll get a better one someday soon... Of course, who knows when I'll get around to posting it....

There are about 10 of these pictures and in every single one Enoch is making some weird face. This is about as normal as we could get.

And here is Lynn in her little tanning bed. She had a bit of jaundice, so the pediatrician ordered this bili-light phototherapy machine for her. She hates it, and is constantly pulling at the eye protectors and face shield. Luckily, her biliruben count went down and she doesn't have to endure that (or the daily heel pricks to draw her blood) anymore!