So there's the quick recap of some of the things we did. We had a good time, despite the fact that I was fighting a cold. The weather was perfect, we didn't forget anything important, and nothing happened to our car, so we call the trip a success!
Monday, December 21, 2009
So there's the quick recap of some of the things we did. We had a good time, despite the fact that I was fighting a cold. The weather was perfect, we didn't forget anything important, and nothing happened to our car, so we call the trip a success!
Friday, November 6, 2009
What Happens When...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Costumes? Who needs 'em?
It's completely obvious who they are, isn't it? Andrew is Indiana Jones. Clearly. He has the hat and a piece of rope as his whip. Spent hours on that costume. And Enoch? Have you guessed it yet? If not, you must not be a 5-year-old obsessed with all things Indiana Jones. Obviously he is Short Round, because he has a baseball cap on.
So this is how they went trick-or-treating. I admit, I was a little embarrassed to go out with them, so I sent Victor with them. I could imagine what all the neighbors were thinking... "What greedy children! They didn't even dress up! They just want candy! What kind of mother would allow that behavior?"
Sigh. So I rejoice that they have good imaginations, that they aren't begging for expensive store-bought costumes, and that they really AREN'T greedy - they didn't even go up the whole street, just a small part of it. Victor asked them to go longer and get some more candy, but Enoch's response was simple, and quite accurate: "No Dad, we have enough!"
The First Field Trip
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Best-Laid Plans...
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Saturday Is A Special Day...
There were lots of cool things to do there, and lots of neat exhibits. Thumbs up!
Victor and the kids. We forgot our carrier for Lynn, but had the stroller in the car. We did okay until the end when we had to climb up the rocky parts. Then we left the stroller and just carried her.
Me and the kids. Looking great! :)
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Prodigal Bike
The Green Machine - ready for action, more or less! Just some cosmetic scratches and a nice rip in the seat.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Enoch's 5th Birthday
A Wubbzy book, and best of all:
Monday, July 13, 2009
Lynn's Blessing
And here she is today, taking a nap in the swing. She doesn't sleep there often - it's easier for her to nap in her crib. (Surprise, surprise with all the noise that is pretty constant throughout the day!)
And here is what the boys were up to. Time to start piano lessons??? At least they are happy, and the volume on the keyboard wasn't up all the way...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Random Update
And here he is showing his "Price is Right" addiction - he made the money sign to wear on his shirt! He later cut out the letters of his name and stuck them on his shirt too. What a funny kid!
Lynn's first bath - ignore the bleach in the background - we didn't use that in her bathwater! :)
Last but not least in this little photo journal, Enoch and Andrew are having fun with some good old-fashioned favorites - old magazines, cardboard, scissors, and tape. They are making a house for their lego people to live and play in. Pretty creative, huh? They started running out of room and added another box for more room... If only home improvement were so easy!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Let Freedom Ring!
So I did it. I got everyone out the door this afternoon to run a few errands. And guess what? We all survived! The boys did great, and Lynn slept through most of it, so I call it a big success! We were able to go 4 places and get a lot accomplished. (Well, "a lot" is a relative term!) And I didn't even get the kids out of the car for one of the errands, but that's okay. I feel like I can go places now and handle all three of them by myself! Next stop: Wal-mart! Okay, maybe not yet....
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Fathers and Sons
After a good night's sleep. Well, that's debatable! And I love the fashion-forward hat Enoch is sporting.... On top of the hood! It'll be all the rage pretty soon.